We are epiq
We are experts in
System Management
our fields
Test automation
System Development
System Management
EpiQ is a specialized IT-Consultancy
company located in Stockholm
We provide high level competence and expertise in different industries.
We are operating within the banking, insurance, automotive, medical, retail, and internet sectors.
We are highly specialized IT-Consultants within System Development, Test automation and System Managment.

We are constantly searching for qualified IT-specialists to expand our team.
As an employer, we have the conviction that success and sustainable growth on the consulting market unconditionally required to be innovative, disruptive, and especially attractive for our employees.
Every company of the QGroup follows the same key principles. In fact, we established a complete new way of working with our consultants with the goal to be a real career booster for them.
Here is our recipe with all the ingredients needed on the road to success.

We believe that building companies by being attractive for consultants is the only way to guarantee highly qualitative consulting services.
Our approach relies in focusing on each employee’s career development and personal goals which allows us build strong competence and ensure maximized delivery during projects.
Highly qualified
Extremely motivated
high performers

Truly specialized
Each subsidiary is devoted to its core business. This ensures state of the art domain knowledge. Through proactive recruitment, we hand pick the top percentage of the best consultants. All our consultants are headhunted only on recommendation and direct contact for their skills, reputation and ambition. We truly help them grow, boost their motivation for maximized delivery. And that makes the difference.

Next generation consultants
Together we build your career. Explore the incredible wideness of your professional abilities through “The quest™” and learn to know how to develop your professional reputation. No anonymity – we make you, your potential and your competence visible to the world. Be a member of the next generation consultants.
The Q-Concept
Have fun
Talent is a combination of many factors, hard skills, soft skills and practice. Because we know that maximizing the fun part in a professional IT environment considerably improves motivation, we make sure our consultants thrive throughout any assignment and guarantee our client’s entire satisfaction.

Think differently
By completely changing the way of considering our employees within flat organizational structures, we build specialized subsidiaries with strong IT-competence.

Right focus
The Q-group was built upon values such as respect, professionalism and transparency. Because we focus on the core of our business, namely on our consultants and their personal and professional development, we aim to make them become the most coveted consultants on the IT-consulting market.

Get in touch with us
Represented by
Jonatan Dahlberg
+46 (0) 735 32 46 08
Entire piqture ab
Birger Jarlsgatan 8
8114 34 Stockholm

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